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Terms & Conditions


Our terms
Hello and welcome! We are glad that you are taking the time to read these terms of service (the “Terms”).
These Terms are important as they, together with your booking confirmation email (the “Booking Confirmation”), set out the legal terms on which Travel Services are made available to you through our Service. They also cover any interactions or communications you have with us through our Service.
Your use of our Service is conditioned upon your acceptance of these Terms. To book a Travel Service, you must also accept these Terms. If you do not accept these Terms, then please do not use our Service or book a Travel Service.
We may change these Terms at any time and your future use of our Service following changes to these Terms is subject to you accepting those updated Terms. We recommend that you save or print a copy of these Terms.
In these Terms:
we“, “us” or “our” refer to oneclickumrah.com, L.P., a Texas Limited Partnership having its registered office at 5400 LBJ Freeway, Suite 500, Dallas, Texas 75240, USA, which provides our Service
our Group of Companies” refers to us, and our subsidiaries and corporate affiliates
our Partners” refers to any affiliated, co-branded or linked website through which our Group of Companies provides content or service
our Service” refers to the provision of our websites, apps and online tools
Travel Services” refers to the travel services made available to you by the relevant Travel Provider(s) through our Service, such as stays at a property.
Travel Provider” refers to the travel supplier making available the Travel Services to you through our Service
you” refers to you, the traveller, using our Service or making a booking with our Service.
Please read these Terms carefully.
Section 1 Rules and Restrictions
As well as these Terms, other terms and conditions provided by Travel Providers (such as a property’s terms and conditions) also apply to your booking (“Rules and Restrictions”).
To make a booking, you must accept the Rules and Restrictions of the Travel Provider that you select (such as payment of due amounts, refundability, penalties, availability restrictions and use of fares or services, etc.). The relevant Rules and Restrictions are provided to you before you make a booking and are incorporated by reference into these Terms.
If you violate a Travel Provider’s Rules and Restrictions, your booking may be cancelled and you may be denied access to the relevant Travel Service. You may also lose any money paid for such booking and we or the Travel Provider may debit your account for any costs we or they incur as a result of such violation.
Travel Providers may either be individuals acting on a consumer to consumer basis, or professionals operating on a business to consumer basis. On our Service we label listings as “private host” or “private supplier” where the Travel Provider has notified us that they are acting in the capacity as an individual (non-professional). If you enter into an agreement with an individual on a consumer-to-consumer basis, please be aware that consumer law will not apply in relation to your contract with the Travel Provider. The Travel Provider is solely responsible for determining whether or not they are operating as a consumer or a business and for any representations they make to you with respect to their status.
In certain countries, when payment is taken at the time of booking, we may be the Travel Provider for the purposes of making the Travel Service available to you, including but not limited to Travel Services supplied in the European Union under Articles 28 and 306-310 of the EU Principal VAT Directive 2006/112/EC and any equivalent domestic legislation in any country. In such instances, the Rules and Restrictions are the terms and conditions provided by the underlying supplier (such as a property’s terms and conditions).
Section 2 Using our Service
Our rules
We provide our Service to help you find information about Travel Services and to assist you in booking those Travel Services. It is provided to you for no other purpose.
We aim to provide you with many travel options through our Service. Our Service does not present you with an exhaustive list of travel options that are available at a particular destination or in response to a particular search query. Travel Services available for booking through our Service and additional travel options may also be available for booking through other distribution channels.
You agree that:
  • you will only use our Service for personal and non-commercial purposes
  • you must be at least 18 years of age and have the legal authority to enter into contracts
  • you will use our Service lawfully and in compliance with these Terms
  • all information supplied by you is true, accurate, current and complete
  • if you have an account with us, you will:
  • safeguard your account information
  • be responsible for any use of your account by you or others
  • if you book on behalf of others:
  • you will obtain their authorisation prior to acting on their behalf
  • you will inform them about the terms that apply to the booking (including the Rules and Restrictions) and ensure that they agree to such terms
  • you are responsible for paying any amounts due, for making any change/cancellation requests and for all other matters relating to the booking.
You also agree not to:
  • make any false or fraudulent booking
  • access, monitor or copy any content on our Service using any robot, spider, scraper or other automated means or any manual process
  • violate the restrictions in any robot exclusion headers on our Service or bypass or circumvent other measures employed to prevent or limit access to our Service
  • take any action that imposes, or may impose, an unreasonable or large load on our infrastructure
  • deep link to any part of our Service
  • “frame”, “mirror” or otherwise incorporate any part of our Service into any other website.
We may deny anyone access to our Service at any time for any valid reason. We may also make improvements and changes to our Service at any time.
How we order your search results
There are many travel options available through our Service and we want to make your search results as relevant as possible. At the search results page you can select how to sort your results and use filter options to prioritise results based on your chosen preferences, for example price, guest review score, or other criteria. If you decide not to use these features, then you will see our default sort order which orders results as set out here.
Within your search results we also sometimes display travel options that are paid-for commercial listings from our Travel Providers. Such travel options are clearly labelled for your information as “Ad” or similar equivalent labelling, to differentiate them from other travel options.
Redirection and third-party booking services
If you are redirected from our Service to a third-party booking service to make a travel booking, please bear in mind that any bookings made through such a booking service will be with the third-party and not with us. We are not responsible for bookings made through third-party booking services and we have no liability to you in respect of such a booking, except if they form part of a Linked Travel Arrangement as defined and explained at Section 6 (Linked Travel Arrangements). The terms and conditions of the third-party service provider will set out what rights you have against them and will explain their liability to you. If the booking you make with a third-party service provider forms part of a Linked Travel Arrangement, then we have protection in place to refund your payments to us for any services not performed because of our insolvency.
Section 3 Confirming a booking
Your Booking Confirmation includes the essential elements of your booking, such as the description of the Travel Service(s) booked and the price.
We will send your Booking Confirmation and any relevant travel documents to the email address you provide when you book. If you do not receive your Booking Confirmation within 24 hours of making your booking, please contact us.
Section 4 Payment
The price of the Travel Service(s) will be as displayed on our Service, except in cases of obvious error.
Prices for Travel Services are dynamic and can change at any time. Price changes will not affect bookings already accepted, except in cases of obvious error. We display many Travel Services, and we try hard to ensure that the displayed price is accurate. We reserve the right to correct any pricing errors on our Service.
If there is an obvious error and you have made a booking, we will offer you the opportunity to keep your booking by paying the correct price or we will cancel your booking without penalty. We have no obligation to make available Travel Services to you at an incorrect (lower) price even after you have been sent a Booking Confirmation, if the error should reasonably have been apparent to you.
The price of the Travel Service(s) will be as displayed on our Service, except in cases of obvious error.
The prices displayed through our Service may include taxes or tax recovery charges. Such taxes or tax recovery charges may include amounts associated with value-added tax, goods and services tax, sales tax, occupancy tax and other taxes of a similar nature.
In certain jurisdictions, you may be responsible for paying local taxes imposed by local tax authorities (such as city taxes or tourist taxes, etc.). Our Group of Companies or the Travel Provider may charge you such local taxes. Our Group of Companies will notify you of any local taxes that will be payable by you before you complete your booking, where such taxes have been notified to our Group of Companies by the Travel Provider.
The amount of local taxes can change between the booking date and stay date. If taxes have changed by your stay date, you may be liable to pay taxes at the higher rate.
Payment processing
When payment is taken at the time of your booking and paid for in the local currency of our Service (as relevant), the company taking that payment (via third-party payment processors) and charging your payment method will be the company set out next to the relevant location of our Service in the table below.